2022 WSHE Campaign

We finally held our annual WSHE Campaign this year after 2 years hiatus brought upon by the pandemic. The campaign was held on 19 November 2022 at the Changi Exhibition Center and saw a turnout of close to 2,000 migrant workers and 300 business partners and staff.
Tiktok star Uncle Raymond was invited to kickstart the event followed by an opening speech by Executive Director Mr. Neil Yong summarising our safety performance for the year and some key focus for the following year. We have also produced a video for this year’s WSHE campaign re-emphasising on the importance of working safe and going home safe to our loved ones. The video featured some of our staff and workforce who have made conscious efforts to ensure their workplace is safe for themselves and their fellow co-workers.
An award presentation for Safety Consciousness workers and supervisors was also held to recognise the outstanding efforts observed throughout the year. This award encourages the workforce to be more mindful and observe safety procedures on site. Whilst business partners and staff networked with lunch and refreshments provided, safety-related game booths as well as carnival games were opened for our workforce to try . The day ended with dinner bentos for our workforce before sending them back to their respective dormitories.