CTIL Research Project Agreement Signing Ceremony


13th July 2022, Woh Hup (WH) together with Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) officiated the partnerships with industry partners at the signing ceremony of the Research Project Agreements for the first 3 research projects that WH x SIT Construction Technology Innovation Laboratory (CTIL) has embarked on since its formation in January 2021.

These 3 projects are carried out in collaboration with our industry partners – SEN SG Pte Ltd, TTJ Design & Engineering Pte Ltd and NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd – and are combined as an integrated project ‘Innovative Construction Technologies for Deep Foundation and Excavation’ which has received support and funding from Building Construction Authority through its Built Environment Technology (BETA) Catalyst Funding.

The integrated project seeks to develop an ensemble of underground construction technologies  to improve productivity at a systems level for deep foundation and excavation works.

The signing ceremony was held at SIT Dover Campus and we are honoured to have Senior Minister of State Mr Tan Kiat How grace the event and witness the signing. A technical seminar organized by SIT was carried out thereafter where leading researchers and industry speaker shared on various topics on high performance steel and concrete materials for more sustainable construction. The half day seminar was attended by more than 400 industry professionals from various companies and institutions.

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